Period of Grace

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At the end of the training programme trainees are entitled to a 6 month Period of Grace (POG). This time does not count as training and follows on from your CCT date.  The purpose of this time is to provide employment, while you search for and are hopefully appointed as a Consultant.  As you no longer have any training requirements, you will be placed in a vacant slot after all the trainees have been allocated. If there is more than 1 vacant slot available then your preference will be taken into account, though not guaranteed.
Latest update to Period of Grace:

All trainees wishing to take up the 6 months period of grace following their CCT date will have to give HEE  6 months notice to agree employment terms with the Trust in question.
A trainee will also then need to give 3 months notice when they wish to leave before the end of the Period of Grace contract.


As there are no differences between Full Time and Less Than Full Time trainees with regards to being able to apply to Consultant Appointments, the POG is fixed for 6 months for all trainees.

Can I Leave the training program on my CCT date

Yes. There is no need to resign from the training programme. If you do not apply for a Period of Grace then you will be automatically released from the training programme and your employment with the trust on your CCT date.

Can I leave during my POG

Yes. You  will need to resign from the training programme. 3 months notice is required. A resignation letter pre-prepared is available from Ann in the Stoke School office.

What happens when the 6 months finishes

When your 6 month POG has completed you are released from the training program and your employment with the trust is terminated. In this situation it is not necessary to resign.

See the documents below for the lates guidance and application form: