Teaching Opportunities
A key component of the 2021 curriculum syllabus is the planning and delivery of teaching. There are lots of opportunities for PGDiT to get involved with Teaching at the Stoke-on-Trent School of Anaesthesia. From Local to Regional Teaching, Lecture Based or Sim’ Based, we welcome your support. Click the link to view the calendar of teaching dates and who you need to contact to get involved https://tinyurl.com/2jwb5ysh
You can add your own teaching opportunities to this calendar by emailing stoketeachingcalendar@gmail.com
Please note that Regional Teaching takes place via the West Midlands Deanery online platform – Post Graduate Virtual Learning Environment (PGVLE) Postgraduate Virtual Learning Environment: Log in to the site (pgvle.co.uk) You will need a log-in to access it. Please email stokeanaesthesia@uhnm.nhs.uk to register.